Jenni’s Dog Walking

Only the Best for Our Best Friends

What Exactly Does Dog Walking Include and Entail?

Dog walking includes taking a canine companion on a leash for exercise and bathroom breaks, ensuring they get fresh air, movement, and social interaction, while also attending to their safety and well-being throughout the outing.

How it Works


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My Services

Dog walking services typically include taking dogs out for walks, providing exercise, ensuring bathroom breaks, and offering companionship and socialization opportunities. Additionally, some dog walkers may offer basic training reinforcement, water refreshment, and playtime as part of their service.

Dog Walking

Dog walking involves taking dogs out for exercise and bathroom breaks.


Dog Park Day

Dogs eagerly anticipate their dog park day, where they can romp, play, and socialize with other furry friends.


Dog Sitting

Dog sitting involves caring for and looking after dogs in their own home or at a designated location, ensuring they receive proper attention, exercise, and companionship while their owners are away.


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Winter Special

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Enjoy our Winter Special with 15% off all prices, making it the perfect time to save while treating yourself or your loved ones to our exceptional products or services.

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